Saturday, 9 January 2016

Will your career be prosperous in 2016?

The top 2 elements for 2016 is fire and earth. Fire means you must be lively and willing to try new things. Earth means you have to invest time and energy to be prosperous for 2016. For 2016, even if you're not in the Top 3 lucky Horoscopes, wealth will be yours if you're willing to adventure and work hard.

I'm not a fortune teller so all these information comes from "女人我最大: 新年新希望! 2016上半年工作運真能旺旺旺?" Extracted the most important information and summarised the Top 3 and Bottom 3 horoscopes for the first half of 2016.

Top 3 Lucky Horoscopes
No 1 - Leo
You're in luck this year! Your talent will be spotted. You'll finally reap the sows you've been planting. You'll feel rewarded during March - May from challenging yourself in new experiences in life. Continue to challenge yourself and break you limits.

No. 2 - Sagittarius
You're liked by your superiors and easily pushed for promotion. However, these new roles comes with great responsibilities. You're advise to cut off small things which might weigh you down. Once doing so, your career will soar. Do it by September before your luck goes down.

No. 3 - Aries
2015 has been a good year for you and your good luck will continue this year! You're flexible and you'll be surprised with career opportunities. Try to explore new career options and expand your horizons. Your beneficials are your colleagues or people who works for you.

Bottom 3 Horoscopes
No 1 - Gemini
Do you have real friends to help you through? If you have friends who you have been good to, they'll help you through this tough period. If you're down this year, means you have to reflect on how you have been treating the people around you. Although your career is down, your love life is good. You might meet you true love this year.

No. 2 - Libra
Tied down by certain things in your life. Internal conflicts is pulling you back from succeeding. It's good to take a step back and work towards doing things which helps you prepare for succeeding in future.

No. 3 - Cancer
If you're able to preserver, you'll pull through this year. You may have difficulties that you're unable to voice out like being overloaded with work that your health takes toil. Preserver and take care of your health. Take a vacation if you need to relax.

Earth Element Horoscopes- Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
As earth element is lucky this year, opportunities will come your way. However, if you lack the fire element, not willing to get out of your comfort zone, you will not be able to prosper.

Wind Element Horoscope - Gemini, Scopio, Cancer
Although 2016 career is not good, love life is good for you. However, if you preserver, you'll be able to pull through. Be true and good to others, do not be so suspicious towards others intention.